
The Free Energy Party Enters The Political Discussion

How much of politics is influenced by the energy industry? That's a first good question to discuss in political circles. You don't like "fracking" or offshore drilling but it continues despite protest and environmental concerns, why? Because of the high dollar influence of the mainstream energy corporations.

The functional effort of both mainstream parties really isn't very differentiated. Both can be accused of functionally only having one solution, by the numbers, "Drill, Baby, Drill." Other solutions for energy that usually come through the political machine are "Feel Good", large-scale and reward projects for congresspersons to take back to their districts as show ponies for elections.

That we are facing a sustainability challenge of gargantuan proportions is well-known.

What can be done about it? Have a Party! A Free Energy Party. The Free Energy Party is a recent foray into the murky world of politics by new faces with new ideas. What is fascinating about the group of individuals that are attracted to this idea is that most of them see the possibility in bottom-up rather than top-down solutions and human-scale at the DIY level.

Many of the participants are wise to Open Source development models for soft tech and see the potential for applying it to power sourcing.

THE place to hang out with some Free Energy Minds is the Free Energy Party facebook group. A website is in re-work mode and soon will be available at